Small commitments, big results

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I’m on day 13 of my streak on Duolingo (I’m learning French!) but someone on the forum just posted about their 5-year streak, which is nothing but inspiring!

He or she writes on the forum:

“I remember when I hit 365 days…then one year became two, then two became three, and now here we are at FIVE years. it blows my mind! I’ve come close to losing my streak due to a lack of internet in some places during my travels. In fact, I distinctly remember only a few months into my streak, on one vacation, I had only an hour of internet access a day, and you better believe the first thing I did was Duolingo!!

The act of making a commitment to something small can have other effects in your life, that cause you to be committed to other things…whether it’s exercise, eating healthier, drinking more water, etc…these goals are all achievable if you start with small commitments. Do not commit to to a five year streak at day 1. Commit to one day. Then two. Then a week. Then a month.”

A very good reminder that a strong commitment to small things over a sustained period can lead to big results. Oh and the beautiful idea of a keystone habit.

PS: What a nice and thoughtfully written blog.

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